Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Weekend in Stresa and Milano

We just came back from spending three nights in Stresa, on Lake Maggiore.

We had to go to Milano to close our wedding list (sic!). We still want to thank here all the friends that contributed to the presents and all who came to our wedding last year.

We wanted to imagine how it would feel to live on Lago Maggiore in case I would accept work in Milano. We thought it could be worth the commute to have a beautiful place for Valentina (and Davide...) to grow up and go to school.
We'll see and decide.

We also drove to Como. Como's historic center seemed a very nice place to live. Nice atmosphere, nice shops and buildings. A very nice cathedral close to the lake. Another option to think of.
Next visit we want to visit Monza, just outside Milano.

Milano was also a chance to see friends again; we had a nice dinner with Giuse, Lollo and Maria Luisa.
I must say I was positively impressed by "my city" this time. It seemed cleaner and more livable. It really made me start reconsidering all the negative things I always say about this city.
The polluted air stays though...helaas.

Talk soon about my job opportunities. Ciao!

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